Matching farmers with ornithologists for a helping hand with counts
Farmers from the Arun to Adur Farmer Group have met up with local ornithologists to get some help from the experts to do their Big Farmland Bird Counts. It is a misty […]
Counting farmland birds and enjoying the first signs of spring
By Honor Jones, GWCT placement student On a damp and drizzly February morning at Auchnerran Farm, I put on my gear, grabbed my binoculars and a clipboard, and happily set […]
BBC Ffermio and getting together to build bird boxes for our feathered farmland friends
A group of around 60 farmers and families gathered for a special Big Farmland Bird Count social event at Adfa Village Hall in Powys, mid-Wales, in preparation the UK’s annual […]
Get a buzz – count your farmland birds
By Steve Barker, Shropshire GWCT chairman Now is the chance for any nature-loving farmer to do the Game & Wildlife Conservation Trust Big Farmland Bird Count. This is a project […]